The Heritage Harbour Community Association is incorporated in Maryland. Its stated purpose is the “preservation of the values and amenities of Heritage Harbour” in the Articles of Incorporation.
The governing framework is provided by the Bylaws and Declaration of Covenants. Policy Resolutions, and Administrative Resolutions establish rules, regulations, policies, and standing procedures. Refer to the list of links at the right in Documents.
The Association is managed by the Management Agent, Legum & Norman who provides us with the very capable staff in our Office at the Lodge. Further details are in our Resident Only section.
The Board of Directors is elected from the seven districts (as generally designated in our Community Map page). There are also four officers (commonly also directors). Further details are in the Resident Only section.
Board Chartered Committees support the Board of Directors and are managed in accordance with their individual charters.
The Architectural and Environmental Review Committee (AERC) supports the Board by reviewing and monitoring changes to the exterior of members’ properties. The AERC is prescribed by the Declaration of Covenants.
The Association’s operations are documented in the minutes of the meetings of its Board of Directors and reports of its Managing Agent, Officers, and Committees. The operations are carried out in accordance with the Association’s annual budget.